SMS smileys

:) Original smiley:-o Amazement

:-s Confusion

%-) Confused

:-( Frown

:-> Hey

:-| Hmmm

:-D Laugh loud

:-o Oh

#:-o Oh no!

<:-0 Eeek!

:@ Ouch!

o/ Praise the Lord

:-@ Screaming

#:-) Hair in a mess

~#:-( Bad hair day

&:-) Sender has curly hair

8-) Sender wears glasses

(:-) Bald

:-{) Sender has moustache

:-{)} Sender has moustache and

(-: Sender is left-handed

;-) Wink

:-)) Very happy

|-) Hee-hee

<3 I love you

:-* Kiss

:-X Big wet kiss

:-9 Licking lips

:-p Sticking out tongue

::=)) Seeing double

|-| Going to sleep

:-) Classic smiley{} No comment

*:* Fuzzy face

:> Develish grin

|:-0 No explanation

:-& Tongue-tied

O:-) Innocent

:-(*) Sick comment

*<:o) Clown

:=8) Baboon

~o~ Bird

8^ Chicken

:3-< Dog

:@) Piggy

:-7 Wry remark

:-|| Angry

:’-( I am crying

(:-… Heart-broken

:-e I’m disappointed

:+( I’m hurt by that

:// Frustrated

>;-(‘ I am spitting mad

#-) Partied all night

:*) I’ tipsy

%-) I’m tipsy but happy

:*)? Are you drunk?

<:-) Dumb question

d:-) Hats off to your great idea

:^D” Great! I like it!

(:-|K- Dressed to kill

:-$ Put your money where your
mouth is

:-C Totally unbelievable

:-# My lips are sealed

More at smstextpoems

02/01/2010. Category: info. Tags: , , .

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