Category: info
How we have been misled about antidepressants
By Joanna Moncrieff is a Professor of Critical and Social Psychiatry. Our umbrella review that revealed no links between serotonin and depression […]
08/23/2022. Category: info. Tags: health, medicine
World Health Organization – who is contributing and who is not
The World Health Organization operates on a two-year budget cycle with a target of $4.8 billion. The annual budget thus is approximately […]
04/23/2020. Category: info. Tags: health, virus
Coronavirus scams, spam and phishing
Criminals are hardest at work when a national or international disaster strikes, playing on peoples’ fears and insecurities. They are using scam, […]
03/19/2020. Category: info. Tags: health, virus
Johns Hopkins cancer diet hoax emails
Since 2004, millions of people have received emails titled “Johns Hopkins Cancer Diet” and “Johns Hopkins Update” claiming that the Johns Hopkins […]
05/11/2017. Category: info. Tags: health
The fall and rise of Native North America
The story of Native North America – from its vast contribution to world culture, to the often taboo social problems of drinking, […]
10/11/2016. Category: info. Tags: culture, people
How time actually tricks us
Time is truly a complicated matter. Remember how as a child you were waiting for your birthday and how it seemed to […]
04/12/2016. Category: info. Tags: time
10 things you didn’t know about becoming a teacher
You might be absolutely sure what career path your degree will take you on but have you considered teaching? After completing your […]
03/03/2015. Category: info. Tags: education
Simple ways to heat your home for less
You might think that cranking up the thermostat is the simplest way to heat your home, but there are plenty of other […]
02/17/2015. Category: info. Tags: central heating
5 Common Hearing Myths Busted
There are many myths surrounding hearing that sometimes it’s hard to know what’s true and what’s not, particularly when it’s something you […]
02/02/2015. Category: info. Tags: hearing
How safe are your emails and phone calls?
The 21st-century surveillance industry is hi-tech, sophisticated and terrifyingly pervasive, it is revealed in more than 200 brochures, presentations and other marketing […]
04/11/2013. Category: info. Tags: surveillance, wikileaks