Posts tagged ‘people’
The fall and rise of Native North America
The story of Native North America – from its vast contribution to world culture, to the often taboo social problems of drinking, […]
10/11/2016. Category: info. Tags: culture, people
The truth about slavery
Throughout history an estimated 200 million people were enslaved, recorded in ancient records and, sadly, continuing today. For more than 1000 years, […]
01/14/2013. Category: did you know. Tags: people
Send all retirees to prison now!
Why should we send all the retirees to prison now? Because they gave us “free love” during the 1960s, and rock ‘n […]
06/29/2012. Category: politics. Tags: people
Al Capone myths
The “fact” that Al Capone evaded justice numerous times and was finally indicted for income tax evasion is partial myth. Capone was […]
05/19/2011. Category: famous. Tags: crime, people
Members of groups live longer
There is research that suggests that a reduced intake of calories can promote longevity. But with almost one third of Westerners being […]
01/29/2009. Category: did you know. Tags: groups, Life expectancy, Longevity, people