Fascinating Facts

Who invented the light bulb?

Predictions that missed the mark

World’s first Android phone

So, who invented the paperclip?

Espresso has less caffeine than cup of coffee

Size of the sun in comparison

Choosing a mate for life

An acre of hemp produces more paper than an acre of trees

Origin of the word “tip”

10 good uses for salt

Were Wright Brother the first to fly?

Nostradamus predictions

Only place a flag is not saluted

Fresh egg will sink in water, stale one won’t

Half world’s population seen at least one 007 movie

The pigs of Wall Street

First submarine designed in 1578

Products that took 100 years to get to marketplace

Guy on $10 bill shot by Vice President

“Dollar” has origins in the Roman Empire

Budweiser beer named after Czech town

Paul Revere never completed his famous journey

Tower of Pisa has never been straight

First credit card issued in 1951

Man ate whole aircraft

Longest cruise liners in the world

365 different languages in Indonesia

Human head contains 22 bones

Major earthquakes every year

Mathematical decimal system introduced in 4BC

70% of earth’s dryland affected by desertification

World’s first video arcade game

Sargasso Sea without coastline

Ilyushin-76TD world’s largest waterbomber

One of the Seven Wonders still survives

1 hour 6 minutes per day spent on traveling

Latest sightings of the Loch Ness monsters

Bird that barks instead of sing

World’s tallest buildings

Eating with fork considered scandalous

The real story of April Fool

Origins of Easter and Easter bunny

Nobody knows who invented spectacles (eyeglasses)

World’s first circumnavigation

Why is there no ham in a hamburger?

You blink 15 000 times a day

10 good uses for salt

More than 20,000 brands of beer

92 nuclear bombs lost at sea

A diamond will break if you hit it with a hammer

Number of churches and mosques in New York City

More movies produced in India than Hollywood

Cows do not have upper front teeth

One in ten people lives on an island

Valentine’s celebrated Feb 15th, not 14th

Tomato world’s most popular fruit

Hot affairs by Presidents

Oscar Awards held twice in 1930

Can opener invented 48 years late

Traffic lights used before advent of motorcar

Amazing swimming records

Most babies born in this month

World population growth and food for all

Peter the Great tax people with beards

Gibraltar named after a former slave

King of chefs and melba toast

Mercedes cars named after Austrian girl

British royal family change surname

Bank of America started as Bank of Italy

Many kings were mad!

Napoleon possibly died of poisoning

One billion bicycles

The Third Millennium

Westminster Abbey in London

The first stone lighthouse

Nothing happened between 3 and 13 September

Water everywhere but not much to drink

Thanksgiving held twice in 1815

2 700 languages spoken in the world

World’s largest flower

Anders Celsius’s boiling water

Products designed simultaneously

Cause for Alzheimer’s Disease unknown

Aspirin discovered during experimentation

5 billion crayons produced every year

Emmy award first called “Immy”

Dinosaurs did not eat grass

World’s highest bridge

It once was law to say “God bless you”

Cooking tips to fix kitchen spoils

History and origins of Christmas