Posts tagged ‘predictions’
End of world predictions
You should live every day as if it is your last. That may be easier said than done. But what if you […]
08/16/2011. Category: religion. Tags: predictions
The flat universe society
God got smaller the bigger the universe got, it seems. The more man gaped in awe at the rapidly expanding size of […]
10/11/2010. Category: science. Tags: astronomy, predictions, universe
Predictions that missed the mark
In 1894, the president of the Royal Society, William Thomson, Lord Kelvin, predicted that radio had no future. The first radio factory […]
02/04/2010. Category: did you know. Tags: predictions, radio
Nostradamus predictions
NOSTRADAMUS, the French Christian Jew who lived in France in the 16th century, made many forecasts, including the two World Wars. 18 […]
01/31/2010. Category: did you know. Tags: nostradamus, predictions