Category: odd
Wigs that are 3 feet high
In 1500 BC in Egypt, women shaved their head as the ultimate display in beauty. Remaining hair was removed with special gold […]
02/22/2010. Category: odd. Tags: fashion, hair, wigs
1) How long did the Hundred Years War last? 116 years; from 1337 to 1453 2) Which country makes Panama hats? Ecuador […]
02/07/2010. Category: odd. Tags: conflicts, hat, kings
Odd laws
During the 6th Century, it was customary to congratulate people who sneezed because it was thought that they were expelling evil from […]
02/07/2010. Category: odd. Tags: laws
80% of all communication is self-talk
English, the most spoken language in the world (Mandarin is the most spoken first language), has more words in it than any […]
07/09/2009. Category: odd. Tags: nerdic, self-talk
What the average human body contains
The average human body contains enough potassium to fire a toy cannon, phosphorus to make 2,200 match heads, carbon to make 900 […]
06/11/2009. Category: odd. Tags: elements, health, minerals