Posts tagged ‘numbers’
The 22 million digit number … and the amazing maths behind primes
It is a quite extraordinary figure. Dr Curtis Cooper from the University of Central Missouri has found the largest-known prime number – […]
01/21/2016. Category: science. Tags: numbers
Numbers as letters
You are most likely familiar with numbers being used to implicate letters, phrases or even symbols. In SMS (txting) shortcuts, for instance, […]
01/30/2012. Category: literature. Tags: leet, numbers, textese
Number notation
The United States does not use the metric system. But this is not the only confusing difference between the USA and Europe. […]
11/08/2010. Category: trivia. Tags: notation, numbers
The beautiful number 7
Seven days of the week, seven seas, seven primary colors, seven wonders of the world, seven notes of the musical scale, the […]
10/13/2010. Category: trivia. Tags: numbers, rhind