Posts tagged ‘population’
US foreign‐born share ranks low and is falling among wealthy countries
According to new data from the United Nations, the foreign‐born share of the U.S. population ranked 56th in the world. Among wealthy countries in 2020, […]
07/28/2022. Category: did you know. Tags: population
World population
In 1801, when the first complete world census was carried out, the world’s population was 1 billion. The most populous countries were […]
08/23/2011. Category: did you know. Tags: population
Comparing today with 100 years ago
How times have changed! 100 years ago there were less than 20,000 motorcars in the whole world, a lot of them being […]
10/25/2010. Category: trivia. Tags: cannabis, comparison, population
August is baby month
We bid a hearty welcome to the millions of new earthlings who arrive in August, the month with the highest birth rate. […]
08/09/2010. Category: did you know. Tags: babies, population
World population facts
The US Census Bureau reported that the 6 billionth person was born at 1.24am on Sunday July 18, 1999. The United Nations […]
02/04/2010. Category: did you know. Tags: hunger, population
How many babies are born on Christmas day?
A baby is born in the United States every 8 seconds. Worldwide, 3 babies are born every second. More babies are born […]
12/25/2009. Category: trivia. Tags: Jesus, population, xmas