Category: names-of-phobia
Phobias A
FEAR OF PHOBIA accidents dystychiphobia ageing gerascophobia air sickness aeronausiphobia air (fresh), draughts, wind anemophobia alcohol and drinking alcohol dipsophobia or methyphobia […]
02/02/2010. Category: names-of-phobia. Tags: ageing, air, alcohol, dystychiphobia
Phobias B
FEAR OF PHOBIA bad mens, burglars scelerophibia bacteria bacillophobia bald (becoming) phalacrophobia baldness peladophobia balloons globophobia bathing bathophobia or ablutophobia beards pogonophobia […]
02/02/2010. Category: names-of-phobia. Tags: baldness, bed, bicycles, blood, brain
Phobias C
FEAR OF PHOBIA cancer carcinomophobia cars (automobiles) motorphobia cats ailurophobia Celts, Celtic Celtophobia cemeteries coimetrophobia certain places topophobia (see also performing) challenges […]
02/02/2010. Category: names-of-phobia. Tags: cats, chickens, clowns, sinophobia
Phobias D
FEAR OF PHOBIA dampness, liquids or moisture hygrophobia dancing chorophobia darkness nyctophobia dawn eosophobia daylight phengophobia death, corpses necrophobia or thanatophobia decaying […]
02/02/2010. Category: names-of-phobia. Tags: cancing, death, disease, dreams
Phobias E
FEAR OF PHOBIA eight (number 8) octophobia electricity electrophobia emetics, vomiting emetophobia empty rooms/spaces or voids kenophobia enclosed spaces clithrophobia England, English […]
02/02/2010. Category: names-of-phobia. Tags: electricity, eyes
Phobias F
FEAR OF PHOBIA fabrics (particular) textophobia failure or defeat kakorrhaphiophobia falling man-made satellites keraunothnetophobia fat (becoming) obesophobia fatigue kopophobia fear phobophobia feathers […]
02/02/2010. Category: names-of-phobia. Tags: fire, fish, flowers, food
Phobias G
FEAR OF PHOBIA gaiety cherohobia garlic alliumphobia genitals (female) eurotophobia germs spermatophobia or spermophobia Germany, Germans Germanophobia ghosts phasmophobia girls (young) or […]
02/02/2010. Category: names-of-phobia. Tags: gold
Phobias H
FEAR OF PHOBIA hair chaetophobia haircut tonsurphobia hair disease trichinophobia halloween samhainophobia heart attack angionophobia heart disease cardiophobia heat thermophobia heaven uranophobia […]
02/02/2010. Category: names-of-phobia. Tags: hair, high
Phobias I
FEAR OF PHOBIA ice, frost cryophobia ideas ideophobia ignored (being) athazagoraphobia illness, disease pathophobia immobility (of a joint) ankylophobia imperfection atelophobia infection […]
02/02/2010. Category: names-of-phobia. Tags: injury, insects
Phobias J
FEAR OF PHOBIA Japan, Japanese Japanophobia jealousy zelophobia Jews, Judaism Judaeophobia jumping (from both high and low places) jcatapedaphobia justice dikephobia Phobias: […]
02/02/2010. Category: names-of-phobia. Tags: jealous, justice