Phobias B
bad mens, burglars | scelerophibia |
bacteria | bacillophobia |
bald (becoming) | phalacrophobia |
baldness | peladophobia |
balloons | globophobia |
bathing | bathophobia or ablutophobia |
beards | pogonophobia |
beaten (being) and magic | rhabdophobia |
bed (going to) | clinophobia |
bees | apiphobia |
beggars | hobophobia |
bearing a deformed child or deformed people | teratophobia |
bicycles | cyclophobia |
birds | ornithophobia |
black (color) | melanophobia |
blindness in visual field | scotomaphobia |
blood | hemaphobia |
blushing or red | erythrophobia |
body odor | bromhidrosiphobia |
bogies or the bogeyman | bogyphobia |
Bolsheviks | bolshephobia |
bones (skeleton) | cartilogenophobia |
books | bibliophobia |
bound (being) or tied up | merinthophobia |
bowel movements (painful) | defecaloesiophobia |
brain disease | meningitophobia |
bridges (crossing) | gephyrophobia |
buildings (high) | batophobia |
bullets or missiles | ballistophobia |
bulls | taurophobia |
buried alive (being) | taphephobia |
Phobias: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | XYZ