Phobias H
hair | chaetophobia |
haircut | tonsurphobia |
hair disease | trichinophobia |
halloween | samhainophobia |
heart attack | angionophobia |
heart disease | cardiophobia |
heat | thermophobia |
heaven | uranophobia |
heights | acrophobia |
hell | hadephobia |
high buildings | batophobia |
high places (looking up at) | anablephobia |
high places (open) | aeroacrophobia |
home, house or being in a house | domatophobia |
home (returning to) | nostophobia |
homosexuality, of becoming homosexual, sameness or of monotony | homophobia |
horses | hippophobia |
hospitals | nosocomephobia |
human character in non-human objects | anthropomorphobia |
hurricanes & tornadoes | lilapsophobia |
hypnotized | hypnophobia |
Phobias: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | XYZ