Phobias L
lakes | limnophobia |
large objects | megalophobia |
laughter | gelophobia |
lawsuits | liticaphobia |
learning | sophophobia |
lefthanded, things to the left | sinistrophobia |
left hand side of the body (objects on) | levophobia |
leprosy | leprophobia |
lice | pediculophobia |
light | photophobia |
light (flashes of) | selaphobia |
lightning | astraphobia |
lights (glaring) | photaugiophobia |
lights (northern) | auroraphobia |
locked in (being), confined spaces | claustrophobia |
long waits | macrophobia |
looked at (being) | scopophobia |
love (falling or being in) | philophobia |
love play | malaxophobia (sarmassophobia) |
lying, myths and stories | mythophobia |
Phobias: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | XYZ