Phobias F
fabrics (particular) | textophobia |
failure or defeat | kakorrhaphiophobia |
falling man-made satellites | keraunothnetophobia |
fat (becoming) | obesophobia |
fatigue | kopophobia |
fear | phobophobia |
feathers (tickled by) | pteronophobia |
fecal matter | scatophobia |
feces | coprophobia |
fever | pyrexiphobia |
figure 8 | octophobia |
filth | rhypophobia |
fire | pyrophobia |
firearms | hoplophobia |
fish | chthyphobia |
flashes of light | selaphobia |
flavors | geumophobia |
flies | pteronarcophobia |
floods | antlophobia |
flowers | anthophobia or anthrophobia |
flutes | aulophobia |
flying | aerophobia (see also air (fresh), draughts) |
fog | homichlophobia |
food or eating | cibophobia or sitophobia |
foreigners or strangers | xenophobia |
forests, dark wooded areas | hylophobia or nyctohylophobia |
forgotten (being), forgetting | athazagoraphobia (see also ignored) |
France, French | Francophobia |
freedom | eleutherophobia |
fresh air, draughts | aerophobia (see also flying) |
Friday the 13th | paraskavedekatriaphobia |
frost, ice, extreme cold | cryophobia |
fur, animal skin | doraphobia |
Phobias: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | XYZ