Category: construction

Cities with most metro stations

A train station that is built underground is called a “metro station,” a “subways” or  “underground”  or “tube.” The first metro system […]

06/19/2011. Category: construction. Tags:

Highest and longest bridges in the world

The highest bridge in the world can be found in the Ladakh valley between the Dras and Suru rivers in the Himalayan […]

02/05/2010. Category: construction. Tags: , ,

World’s tallest buildings

It’s a status symbol for the countries that have them built and there seem to be no end in the quest to […]

02/05/2010. Category: construction. Tags: ,

World’s tallest towers

Towers differ from buildings in that they do not have floors all the way up and are not built for residential or […]

02/05/2010. Category: construction. Tags: ,
