Popes of the Roman Catholic Church

Of the 266 Popes there has been only one English Pope, Nicholas Breakspear, who became Pope Adrian IV (1154 – 1159) but no American Pope.

Pope Francis, selected in 2013, was the first Pope born outside Europe since St. Gregory III (who was Pope from 731 to 741) and first from the Americas and indeed, from the Southern Hemisphere. Born Jorge Mario Bergoglio in 1936 in Argentina. Pope Francis was the first Jesuit to become Supreme Pontiff.

2013 Francis

2005 Benedict XVI

1978 John Paul II

1978 John Paul I

1963 Paul VI

1958 John XXIII

1939 Pius XII

1922 Pius Xl

1914 Benodict XV

1903 Pius X

1878 Leo XIll

1846 Pius IX

1831 Gregory XVI

1829 Pius VIII

1823 Leo XIl

1800 Pius VII

1775 Pius VI

1769 Clement XIV

1758 CIement XIII

1740 Benedict XIV

1730 Clement XII

1724 Benedict Xlll

1721 lnnscent Xlll

1700 Clement XI

1691 Innocent XII

1689 Alexander VIII

1676 Innocent Xl

1670 Clement X

1667 Clement IX

1655 Alexander VIl

1644 Innocent X

1623 Urban VIII

1621 Gregory XV

1605 Pun IV

1605 Len XI

1592 Clement VIII

1591 Innocent IX

1590 Grogory XlV

1590 Urban VII

1585 Sixtus V

1572 Gregory XIII

1566 Pits V

1559 Pita IV

1555 Paul IV

1555 Marco lea II

1550 muon III

1534 Paul III

1523 Cledteet Vll

1522 Adrian VI

1513 Len X

1503 Julius II

1503 Pius Ill

1492 Alexander Vl

1484 Innocent VIII

1471 Sixtuo IV

1484 Paul II

1458 Pits II

1455 Callistes III

1447 Nicholas V

1431 Eugenius lV

1417 Martin V

1406 Gregory XII

1404 Innocent VII

1389 Boniface IX

1378 Urban VI

1370 Gregory XI

1362 Urban V

1352 innocent VI

1342 ClementVl

1334 Benedict XlI

1316 John XXII

1305 Clement V

1303 Benedict XI

1294 Boniface VIII

1294 Celestine V

1288 Nicholas IV

1285 Honorius IV

1281 Martin IV

1277 Nicholas III

1276 John XXII

1276 Adrian V

1276 Innocent V

1271 Gregory X

1265 Clement IV

1261 Urban IV

1254 Alexander IV

1243 Innocent IV

1241 Celestine IV

1227 Gregory lX

1216 Honorius III

1198 Innocent lll

1191 Celentine III

1187 Clement Ill

1187 Gregory VIII

1185 Urban III

1181 Lucius Ill

1159 Alexander lll

1154 Adrian lV

1153 Anastasius IV

1145 Eagenius III

1144 Lucius II

1143 Celestine II

1130 Innocent II

1124 Honorius ll

1119 Callistus II

1118 Gelasias I

1099 Paschal II

1088 Urban II

1086 Victor III

1073 Gregory VII

1061 Alexander II

1059 Nicholas II

1057 Stephen X

1055 Victor II

1049 Leo IX

1048 Damasas ll

1047 Benedict IX

1046 Clement II

1045 Gregory VI

1032 Benedict IX

1024 John XIX

1012 Benedict VllI

1009 Sergius IV

1004 John XVIII

1003 John XVII

999 Sylvester II

996 Gregory V

985 John XV

983 John XIV

974 Benedict VII

973 Benedict VI

965 John XIII

964 Benedict V

963 Leo VIII

955 John XIl

946 Agapitus II

942 Marinas II

939 Stephen IX

936 Leo VII

931 John XI

928 Stephen VIII

928 Leo VI

914 John X

913 Lando

911 Anastasius Ill

904 Sergius III

903 Leo V

900 Benedict IV

898 John IX

897 Theodore II

897 Romance

896 Stephen VII

896 Bonitace VI

891 Formasus

885 Stephen VI

884 Adrian III

882 Marinunl

872 John VIII

867 Adrian II

858 Nicholas I

855 Benedict ill

847 Leo IV

844 Sergius II

827 Gregory IV

827 Valentine

824 Eagenius II

817 Paschal I

816 Stephen V

795 Leo III

772 Adrian I

768 Stephen IV

757 Paul I

752 Stephen III

752 Stephen II

741 Zachary

731 Gregory III

715 Gregory II

708 Constantine

708 Sisinnius

705 John VII

701 John VI

687 Sergius I

686 Conon

685 John V

684 Benedict II

682 Leo II

678 Agatho

676 Donus

672 Adeodatus II

657 Vitalian

654 Eugenius I

649 Martin I

642 Theodore I

640 John IV

640 Severinus

625 Honorius I

619 BonifaceV

615 Deusdedit (Adeodatus I)

608 Boniface IV

607 Boniface III

604 Sabinian

590 Gregory I (the Great)

578 Pelagius II

574 Benedict I

537 Vigilias

561 John III

556 Pelagius II

536 Silveries

535 Agapitus I

533 John II

530 Boniface II

526 Felix IV

523 John I

514 Hormisdas

498 Symmachus

406 Anastasius II

492 Gelasius I

483 Felix III (or II)

468 Simplicius

461 Hilarius

440 Leo I (the Great)

432 Sixtus III

422 Celestine I

418 Beniface I

417 Zosimus

401 Innocent I

399 Anastasius I

384 Siricius

366 Damasus I

352 Liberiss

337 Julius I

336 Mark

314 Sylvester I

311 Melchiades

310 Eusebius

308 Marcellus I

275 Eutychian

296 Murcellines

283 Caius

269 Felix I

259 Dionysias

257 Sixtus II

254 Stephen I

253 Lucius I

251 Cornelius

236 Fabian

235 Anteras

230 Pontian

222 Urban I

217 Calistus I

199 Zephyrines

189 Victor I

175 Eleutherius

c.166 Soterus

c.155 Anicetus

c.140 Pius I

c.136 Hyginus

c.125 Telephorus

c.115 Sixtus I

c.107 Alexander I

c. 99 Evaristus

c. 88 Clement I

c. 76 Anacletus

c. 67 Linus

c. 42 Peter

Roman Catholic Church

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