Category: nature
Largest deserts
The largest deserts are covered in ice and you might not think of it as a desert but a desert is an […]
01/31/2012. Category: nature. Tags: desert
World’s longest rivers
List of the longest rivers in the world and the countries through which they run: 1. Amazon – 4,250 miles (6,800 km) […]
09/22/2010. Category: nature. Tags: amazon, longest, nile, rivers
Oldest living things on earth
Happy birthday if you’re 100 million years old today. Compared with the oldest living things on earth you’re still a youngster. Enjoy […]
09/14/2010. Category: nature. Tags: age, oldest
10 largest oil spills in history
Oil. Crude oil. Petroleum. Fossil fuel. Motion lotion. Black gold. Black gloop. Devil’s blood. Whatever you want to call oil, you are […]
07/20/2010. Category: nature. Tags: oil, products
Floral kingdoms
The world is divided into six floral kingdoms: 1. Holarctic kingdom: (North American west coast and Central Asia) 2. Paleotropical kingdom (Central […]
02/06/2010. Category: nature. Tags: flowers
Meaning of flowers
Acacia : beauty in retirement Agapanthis : secret love Ambrosia : “your love is returned” Anemone : sincerity; forsaken Aster : symbol […]
02/06/2010. Category: nature. Tags: flowers, meanings
Largest and deadliest earthquakes
Several million earthquakes occur each year but they are small. Earthquake centers locate about 20,000 earthquakes every year – about 50 earthquakes […]
02/05/2010. Category: nature. Tags: earthquakes, largest